Saturday, October 18, 2008

Britney Spears Womanizer Video

Have you seen her new video? Apparently she broke a record going from #96 or somthing on the charts to #1.

The video is pretty good and the song is catchy. Check it out on YouTube if you have not yet seen it.

Friday, September 5, 2008

The Word Has Gone Crazy

...But you already knew that right? Of course you did. But we can make it better. We just need to take care of 3 main elements.

1. Money
- We need to get rid of the need and greed behind the money phenomenon.
- We should go back to the old barter system.

2. The Government
- We need to disassemble the corrupted government.
- We need to spend more money on education, Space Exploration and Medial Systems rather then on war.

3. Over Population
- We need to weed out the population. The moral question would be how? I think a zero percent population growth like China has is a start.

Go ahead, prove me wrong!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

MXC is the best show ever!!

I just cannot get enought of MXC. I can watch it over and over. Just saying. :)

Monday, March 31, 2008

The Afterlife

So I am trying to find out what happens when we die. There is so much controversy over this issue. What does happen when we die?

I believe that your spirit lives on as energy does not get destroyed. What I do not know is when our spirits move on, is it a conscience journey?

Do we get to go to heaven? Do we have everlasting knowledge?

If anyone knows or has any idea or opinions. Please let me know.


It makes sence to use Google adsence.

Just thought you all should know. It is kinda like what they do on Youtube.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

The World of Television

I have been watching Two and a Half Men lately with Charlie Sheen. Dam what a funny show that is. I can totally relate to it. If you have not seen it. go watch it. Go now.

Another show that I have recently starting watching again is Welcome Back Kotter. I forgot how funny that Gab Caplin and John Travolta were back then.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Almost Tax time and a new contact for me.

Well it is that time of year again where I get to rummage through my desk and sort through a years worth of recipts.

Also I am heading off to another contract. 7th one in the 6/2 years that I have been working my present job.

Fun, fun, fun.

My son is doing ok in school. Still gets in trouble but he is doing ok as far as work goes.

It is a shame that he does not apply himself more then he does. He would do well.

His mom is up to her old tricks again. She wants me to bring him out to Abby this weekend. Do not really want too. I would get to see old old friend of mine provided I did not have to drive my friend to work. Kinda puts a damper on my free time. Don't get me wrong, Ilike ot help out my friends, but sometimes it is not needed.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

New Challenges Ahead

Well it looks like I am on the move again. I have applied to another contract within the place I work, This will be my seventh contract in the 6 1/2 years that I have been here.

I know it will be hard and challenging but I look forward to it as my spiritual journey takes off. Thanks to Sylvia Browne:

She has really changed my life and the way I think about things. I am more at peace now then I ever have been. Even calmer as well. A better person in general. I look forward to reading more of her books if I can find any on sale.

I will see what happens with my new adventure.

Friday, January 4, 2008

Howard Storm's book, "My Descent into Death" (2000)

In Howard Storm's book, "My Descent into Death" (2000), Storm describes the future of mankind as given to him by light beings he encountered during his NDE in 1985. Storm tells how they told him, in 1985, that the Cold War would soon end, because "God is changing the hearts of people to love around the world." Storm states, "Since the time in 1985 when I was told these things about the future the Cold War ended with little bloodshed due to the hearts of people being unwilling to tolerate oppressive regimes."

Storm described what the light beings told him concerning the way things will be on earth in about 2185. He asked the light beings the question: "Will the United States be the leader of the world in this change?"

The light beings replied, "The United States has been given the opportunity to be the teacher for the world, but much is expected of those to whom much has been given. The United States has been given more of everything than any country in the history of the world and it has failed to be generous with the gifts. If the United States continues to exploit the rest of the world by greedily consuming the world's resources, the United States will have God's blessing withdrawn. Your country will collapse economically which will result in civil chaos. Because of the greedy nature of the people, you will have people killing people for a cup of gasoline. The world will watch in horror as your country is obliterated by strife. The rest of the world will not intervene because they have been victims of your exploitation. They will welcome the annihilation of such selfish people. The United States must change immediately and become the teachers of goodness and generosity to the rest of the world. Today the United States is the primary merchant of war and the culture of violence that you export to the world. This will come to an end because you have the seeds of your own destruction within you. Either you will destroy yourselves or God will bring it to an end if there isn't a change."

Storm states, ".... I don't know if the richest country in the history of the world is doomed to lose God's blessing or if the people of the United States will become the moral light of the world. How long will God allow the injustice to continue? The future lies in the choices we make right now. God is intervening in direct ways in human events. May God's will be done on earth as it is in Heaven!"

Howard's light being friends told him more about the new world to come. According to them, God wished to usher in the kingdom within the next two hundred years. In order to do so, God had rescinded some of the free will given to creatures, in favor of more divine control over human events. This new world order, according to Howard, will resemble some near-death descriptions of heaven. People will live in such peace and harmony and love that communication will be telepathic, travel instantaneous and the need for clothing and shelter eliminated. The lion will indeed lie down with the lamb.]

"The quickest way to change the world is to be of service to others. Show that your love can make a difference in the lives of people and thereby someone else's love can make a difference in your life. By each of us doing that and working together we change the world one inner person at a time." - Dannion Brinkley, a near-death experiencer